planning is the first When something has to be done. Then how come it will not be relevant when it comes to achieving your dreams.

92% Of the students Could not plan their career & fail miserably & Then there are some who plan it from the beginning itself and emerge as a success icons in an early age. All they do is focus on right thing which is their strength.
Now the very question which comes to mind is how to plan a career?
1. Identify yourself
Identifying yourself means identifying your strength, skills, interest, intelligence, behaviour & personality.
As said by Howard Gardner a famous psychologist “the most difficult task in the world is Discovering ourselves”.
2. Choosing right career via matchmaking:
Imagine if Narendra Modi would have tried to become an architect & Virat Kohli a teacher. They both would have been failed miserably because they are not built for it.
So matchmaking identifying a career field where you will get more monetary rewards for your talent compare to others.
3. Finalising Degrees & top ranked universities : Set up a profile in a right way to crack admissions.
“The most common thing in this world is the talented unsuccessful person.”
Don’t waste your talent, plan your career & get the rewards you deserve.
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